María Auxiliadora and San Juan Bosco

th_don_boscoOn June 9, 1868, he was consecrated in Turin, Italy, the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians. The history of this Basilica is a chain of favors Mother of God. its builder was San Juan Bosco, humble peasant born on August 16, 1815, of very poor parents. At the age of three his father died. To go to school I had to go from house to house begging. The Sma. Virgin had appeared to him in a dream commanding him to acquire “knowledge and consent” because God destined him to educate many poor children. Again the Virgin appeared to him and asked him to build a temple and that the invoked with the title of Help of Christians.

He began the work of the temple with three coins of twenty cents. But so many miracles that Mary Help of Christians began to do for his devotees, who in just four years was completed the great Basilica. The saint used to say: “Every brick of this temple corresponds to a miracle of the Blessed Virgin”. From that sanctuary began to spread across the world devotion to the Mother of God under the title of Help of Christians, and there are so many favors that Our Lady gives to those who invoke it with that title, that this devotion has become one of the most popular.

San Juan Bosco said: “Propagate devotion to Mary Help of Christians and you will see what miracles are” and recommended repeat many times this little prayer: “Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.” He said that those who say this prayer often get great favors from heaven.