Supplication Prayer

Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, though unworthy sinner prostrate at your feet in the presence of Almighty God I offer this my heart with all its affections. To you I consecrate and want it to be always yours and of your son Jesus.

Accept this humble offering you always have been the helper of the Christian people. O Mary, refuge of the afflicted, comfort the afflicted, have pity on it grieves me that both, the extreme distress in which I find myself.

Queen of Heaven, in your hands I commit my cause. Well that in desperate cases is more powerful your mercy and nothing can resist your power. Mother obtain for me the grace that I ask if it is acceptable to my God and Lord. Amen.

Novena of María Auxiliadora

(Propagated by San Juan Bosco)

  1. Pray for nine consecutive days three Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glorias with the short prayer “Praised at all times the Blessed Sacrament” and three salves with the short prayer “Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.” He prays the Lord Christian and which is its Help.
  2. The Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. The Christian lives united to Christ, to the Help of Christians and the Church through the sacraments.
  3. I recommend you to promise your gift or your personal work to sustain apostolic works, preferably salesianas. The Christian feels the Help encourages you to be an apostle and sustain apostolic works of the Church of Christ.

Prayer of Consecration

O Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother most tender and powerful Help of Christians! We devote ourselves entirely to your sweet love and your holy service. We dedicate the mind with their thoughts, heart with his affections, the body with its senses and with all his might, and promise to always act for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls.

 You therefore, O unique Virgin! you were always the Christian People Relief continues, for pity’s sake, be so especially these days. Humbles the enemies of our religion and thwart their evil intentions. Enlightens and fortifies the bishops and priests and keep always united and obedient to the pope, infallible teacher; preserves of irreligion and vice incautious youth; It promotes vocations and increases the number of ministers, so that, through them, the kingdom of Jesus Christ is preserved between us and extend to the ends of the earth.

 We beseech thee, O sweet Mother! not your pious asides never look gullible youth exposed to many dangers, poor sinners and dying and the souls in Purgatory know for all O Mary! Sweet Hope, Mother of Mercy and Heaven’s Gate.

 We beseech thee, great Mother of God, that we teach to imitate your virtues, particularly the angelic modesty, deep humility and ardent charity, so that, inasmuch as possible, with your presence, with our words and our example , represent you, in the midst of the world, your Son, Jesus, we manage you know and love and can, come to save many souls.

 Make, O Mary Help! all remain united under your maternal mantle; beam temptations that you invoke with confidence; and finally, the thought that you are so good, so kind and so loved, the memory of the love you have for your devotees, we encourage so, to emerge victorious against the enemy of our soul, in life and in the death, so that we can train you a crown in Paradise. So be it


Teach me, O Mary Help of Christians, to be sweet and good in all the events of my life; in disappointments, in the neglect of others in the insincerity of those in whom I believed, in disloyalty of those in whom I trusted.

Help me to forget myself to think about the happiness of others; to hide my little sufferings so that I am the only one who suffers.

Teach me to take advantage of them, to use them so that softened me, I do not harden or embitter me; make me patient, not irritable; I make my clemency broad and not narrow and despotic. Let no one be less good, less sincere, less kind, less noble, less holy for being my traveling companion on the path to eternal life. Amen.

Novena of Confidence

Mother of my life kind help of Christians, it haunts me, I lay in your divine hands. Hail Mary …

You who know my distresses, for all I entrust, give peace to the troubled heart and relieves me. Hail Mary …

And although I do not deserve your love, I will not resort to you in vain, for you are the mother of God and help of Christians. Hail Mary …

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary !, which has never been heard that anyone who fled to your protection has been abandoned; animated with this confidence, I present to you. O Mother of God !, not be deaf to my pleas; acógelas hear and benignly, O clement, O sweet Virgin Mary!

(Ask for the grace you want and pray a Salve)