1. Origins
The name Help was given already in 1030 the Virgin Mary in Ukraine (Russia), for liberating that region of the invasion of the pagan tribes. Since then in Ukraine is celebrated every year the feast of Mary Help of Christians on October 1.
There is evidence that by the year 1558 was already in the litanies that are accustomed to recite the sanctuary of Loreto Italy.
2. Victoria 1571
This year the Turks threatened to invade the whole of Europe. On October 7, with the help of Mary, the naval fleet of Juan of Austria defeated the Turkish ships at Lepanto. St. Pius V enshrines this day to Santa Maria victory and rosary and invocation. “Mary Help of Christians” spreads among the people.
3. Religious Wars of the sixteenth century
The center expansion this title, settled in southern Germany, which, despite the Protestant victory, were proposed to remain faithful to Catholicism. In 1618 the religious wars erupt known as “wars of 30 years.” Catholic princes and the people began to invoke the Blessed Virgin. With the title “Mary Help” and went on pilgrimage to a chapel with that name he had risen to the Virgin in the city of Passau (Germany). Amid the thousand vicissitudes of war, pestilence and religious confrontation, the Catholics of Bavaria and Tyrol felt protected by the Sma. Virgin and experienced a spiritual renewal.
This Marian movement was encouraged and guided by the Capuchin Fathers and the Confraternity of Mary Help promoter of the new Marian devotion. Many believed it to find a safe way to save their Catholic faith and freedom of their land.
4. The Turks attack Vienna (1683)
Along with the religious and social upheavals caused in central Europe by the Protestant crisis, the momentum of Islam emerged. In 1683 the Turks, led by the Vizier Kara Mustafa, lay siege to Vienna, capital of the empire. Pope Innocent XI was then seriously endanger the existence of a Christian Europe; believers flocked to the protection of the Virgin Mary. “The invocation” Mary, help “(Maria Hilf), says a historian, toured all regions of Germany and Austria”.
The victory went to Christian forces, although the Islamic were three times higher. Vienna was liberated. Once again the people experienced the help of the Virgin Mary Help of Christians.
5. Pius VII and Napoleon Bonaparte (1814)
The power was out of place Napoleon Bonaparte who wanted to impose the Pope selfish whims that the pope was rejected so Napoleon invaded Italy and took into exile to Pope Pius VII during 5 years, the pope implored the help of Mary, inviting the same time Christians to be entrusted to it. The French emperor was defeated, then Pius VII was free and could move towards the city of Rome, where, amid general rejoicing on May 24, 1814. He entered the Pope attribute that own liberation and the entire church the protection of the Virgin and, therefore, instituted the liturgical feast of Mary Help of Christians.
6. Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco (1862)
Mary Help of Christians Don Bosco chases. Born in 1815, when for the first time liturgically celebrated the feast of Mary Help of Christians. Not far from the place of his birth, in Mórense, there is a chapel dedicated to Mary Help of Christians. In Turin found that invocation, in the church of San Francisco de Paula was an image and an association in his honor, inspired by another existing in Munich.
In 1848 are already placed on the worktable of Don Bosco some pictures with the title “Help of Christians”. But it is exactly in 1862, in full maturity of Don Bosco, when Marian makes the final choice. He tells the young Salesian Juan Cagliero:
“Our Lady wants us to honor her with the title of Help of Christians, the times are difficult and we need the Virgin to help us preserve and defend the Christian faith”.
In 1863, not without serious difficulties, Don Bosco begins the construction of the Basilica of Mary Help today with just with a capital of forty cents. Five years later, on June 9, 1868 the temple was consecrated finished.
7. Mary Help of Christians in Mexico (1889)
Mr. Edith Borrel, was part of the Mexican Catholic Circle, was an association interested in everything that could strengthen the region in the country. This committed Catholic met in Turin with the successor of Don Bosco, Father Michael Rua, probably in 1888 and received the diploma Salesian Cooperator. Arriving in Mexico reason his fellow Catholic Circle and thus was born the first group of Salesian Cooperators in Mexico City on June 22, 1889. They were organized with a work of Salesian character: spreading the good news, Christian education children, youth and ordinary people, especially educated organizing events Jesus and Mary Help Sacramento. On 25 May 1890 the first festival was held Maria Auxiliadora. They soon began to feel the favors of Mary Help of Christians. In 1892 they arrive the first Salesians to Mexico with the slogan to spread devotion to Mary Help of Christians.
It is noteworthy Marian P. Rafael Noguer enthusiasm that led to make several tours of the Republic spreading devotion to Mary Help of Christians.